You don’t have to be an experienced farmer to grow onions in the comfort of your own home. You should have some bulbous crops in no time! However, once you harvest your onions, you might not know how to store them properly. In this guide, you’ll find our best tips for storing your homegrown onions.
Cure Your Onions Before Storing Them
You need to cure your onions before putting them in storage. Curing refers to the process of drying out the skins of the onions so that moisture doesn’t affect them while they’re in storage. All you need to do is set your onions out on a few newspapers and let them dry out. Spread out the onions to let air circulate between the bulbs. Once the skins feel papery and the onion leaves have shriveled up, you can cut off the roots, remove any excess skin, and store the onions as onion strings.
Know Where To Store Your Onions
After harvesting and curing your onions, you’ll need to store them in the right place. Although your onions loved sunshine while they were growing, you’ll want to store them away from direct sunlight in a dry, cool space with adequate airflow. If you have a garage, a basement with windows, or any other type of unheated room in your home, these are ideal locations to store your homegrown onions. You can put individual onions into mesh bags, but you might want to purchase a vegetable box for storing larger quantities of onions.
Learn How To Braid Onion Strings
Braiding onion strings is a fantastic method for storing onions. First, take a piece of string three to four feet in length and tie both ends together so that it makes a loop. Then, tie the stringy ends of each onion’s stem around the main string, and voilà—you have an onion string.
Overall, enjoying your own delicious homegrown onions is so much more satisfying than store-bought ones. Now that you know some of the best tips for storing your homegrown onions, you can look forward to many great meals.