Preparing a batch of food and snacks for your kids is an easy task at the start of a new week or month. However, as time progresses, preserving some of those foods becomes a trickier goal. The last thing you want is to find yourself scratching your head about what to do when your food items go bad too quickly. These are some of the best ways to stop your food from spoiling.
Prevent Browning Fruit
Whether pre-packing some fresh bananas or avocados for your kids, they sometimes lose their appeal when they begin to brown. While this is a natural result of leaving them in the fridge, and they are still perfectly fine to eat, kids sometimes get picky with how it looks. To help prevent them from getting grossed out, adding a little bit of fresh lemon juice to the fruit before storing them in the fridge helps keep them fresh and ready to go.
Preserve Your Grains
Grains such as rice are among the many dry foods with the highest shelf life. However, sometimes people do not eat it daily. While they do last long on their own, it’s a good idea to take some precautions if your family is the type to go through it slowly. Making sure to store your grains in cool and dry places allows them to last almost indefinitely. Tightly sealed containers are the best alternative if you feel you will not be touching them for a long time.
Keep Veggies Fresh
Regarding nutritional value, vegetables are some of the best food items to have. For those who tend to buy them in bulk, there is nothing wrong with freezing excess veggies when you suspect you are not going to eat them right away. The best approach to getting through them all is to prioritize the veggies your kids prefer while sliding in other ones between days. Freezing the remaining mix of their preferred picks and other veggies helps keep things ideal for them for later dates.
Preserving your food is the best way to reduce waste and save money. While it does take some active monitoring of the conditions of your fruits, veggies, and grains, it pays off with fewer trips to the grocery store. Implementing a few of the best ways to stop your food from spoiling is a great place to start.