The world is label-conscious, and we all want to know exactly what is in our drinks. BeVeg International has a global vegan alcohol certification program called “BevVeg,” and it is the only vegan certified trademark in the world with alcohol specific trademark protection. BeVeg vegan symbols have global trademark protection and representation on every continent except Antarctica.
While what goes into your beverage is trade secret, whether it is vegan or not should not be a secret. The special wine glass BevVeg vegan logo exists to help the consumer drink with confidence.
Isn’t all wine vegan? Many alcoholic beverages are filtered through animal parts like fish bladder, egg whites, gelatin (bones of animals), and the like, which leaves trace amounts of animal in the final product. Likewise, there are about 62 ingredients that can be included in alcohol per the Tobacco and Trade Bureau, and none of these ingredients and processes are listed on the bottle. That is why BevVeg exists: to end the guessing game. Cheers to that!
BeVeg was recently represented on the new vegan cooking show, New Day New Chef, now showing on Amazon Prime, when the company’s founder and CEO, Carissa Kranz (on the left), was a co-host with award-winning journalist, Jane Velez-Mitchell (on the right) of Jane Unchained News Network for the Animals.
Carissa, BeVeg International founder, is a vegan from birth, a “Super Lawyer”, TV legal eagle, and prima ballerina. “Being vegan is not a sacrifice,” says Carissa. “There are delicious food and wine pairing options that are plant-based.” New Day New Chef vegan cooking shows, show us we can pop open a bottle of fine vegan certified wine and enjoy deliciously fine plant based meals for dining in any setting.
The official Hollywood launch party for the vegan cooking show was this weekend at vegan actress, Lori Allen’s private home. BeVeg sponsored all the certified vegan wines for the launch party.
Celebrity Super Model, Christie Brinkley, had her BevVeg vegan certified private label Bellissima Prosecco as a beautiful cameo on set during season 1. For season 2, BeVeg is donating additional vegan certified alcohol brands for the attending vegan celebrities and influencers to enjoy during taping. Featured vegan certified brands that took the “green” carpet for the Hollywood launch party include: O.R.E 118 Raw Vegan Gin, Broadland Wineries, Chateau Elan Winery, Lingua Franca vineyard, and Priam Vineyards.
If you want to enjoy a vegan bottle of wine while cooking or eating a delicious plant-based meal, watch the new vegan cooking show on Amazon Prime now, and expect to tune in on public television stations around the country starting this spring. Cheers to vegan beauty and brains!
Every season, expect to see new celebrity chefs showcase their vegan recipes to a panel of taste testers. Celebrities featured on Season 1 include actresses, basketball legends, Olympic Medalists, and more. You can catch Carissa Kranz, along with Katie Cleary, Lori Allen, Katie Sarife, John Salley, Dotsie Bausch, Ally Iseman, Simone Reyes, Audrey Dunham, Otep Shamaya and more now on Amazon Prime. Carissa discusses BeVeg International vegan certification and its importance as co-host in episode 3.
You can search the BevVeg alcohol database for your next vegan certified beverage downloadable at
Visit the app store and get the free vegan alcohol guide: