Get in touch with your inner druid and reap the mental benefits of both indoor gardening and fresh produce by starting your very own grow room.
As winter and the COVID-19 quarantine drags on, indoor gardening has seen a surge in popularity in people looking to flex their green thumbs and grow their own fresh fruits and vegetables. Nothing embodies this trend better than the vegan community’s dedication to forego animal products, making an indoor grow room ideal for not only growing your own food but also improving yourself through the mental benefits of indoor gardening.
Gardening Is Therapeutic
Horticultural therapy has been used to help people suffering from mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. Working with your hands, taking care of something, and seeing something grow as a result of your efforts can promote feelings of accomplishment and confidence. Gardening is a skill like any other, so it’s great for raising your self-confidence while providing a very soothing environment.
Indoor Gardening Offers Light for You and Your Plants
During the winter, the days are shorter and the weather is overcast, and you spend most of your time indoors. A lack of sunlight can cause seasonal depression in many people. To compensate, both you and your plants can benefit from LED lighting. Just as plants receive nourishment from the sun, your body uses sunlight as a source of nutrients such as vitamin D to keep your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. LED grow lights simulate the effects of the sun to allow your plants to grow, so spending time under the lights as you work will benefit you as well.
Gardening Creates Structure for Your Day
When you’re stuck indoors, falling into a sedentary lifestyle and lethargic cycle can be easy, since you don’t have much to do or many places to go. Taking care of plants, however, builds structure in your day, as your plants have routine needs you must address daily. The mental benefits of indoor gardening come from the chance to move and work with your hands to occupy yourself and keep your mind following a pattern.
Plants Make Us Happy
Plants are beautiful things. We use them to decorate our homes because we like them—they just make us happy. Using plants to create an aesthetically pleasing environment will make your home more comfortable and enjoyable, just as decorating your home with pictures and knickknacks does. Depending on the plants you choose, it’s also a great way to add color to your environment and make the room more vibrant and pleasing.