The Earth is an amazing planet. Everything naturally put here has a place and works
simultaneously with other things to keep life moving.
When we think of plants, our initial thoughts may be flowers, trees, and the fruits and
vegetables we eat. There is so much more to the existence of vegetation varieties
and their purposes on Earth. Exploring the different ways plants help our
environment is awe-inspiring since their capabilities and obligations go much further
than many people think about.
Releasing Oxygen
To brush up on the facts and understand why it’s important, consider this: with
natural light, plants use the process of photosynthesis (converting light energy into
chemical energy) to capture carbon dioxide. When this process occurs, the trapped
energy is used to convert water and CO2 into oxygen. Plants also release half of the
CO2 into the atmosphere through respiration which helps to balance the global
carbon cycle. Some plants have great air filtration properties and are ideal to use in
Wildlife Living
In addition to plants providing oxygen for wildlife, they also offer many other
advantages. Below are some of them.
Plants provide shelter to wildlife. Especially in areas where trees are abundant,
animals can live comfortably and have shelter through all types of weather.
Obviously, herbivorous animals rely on plants to live. Feeding on plant life is an
essential part of the food chain. But, since carnivorous creatures don’t feed on
vegetation, they get their nutrients from devouring the plant-eaters.
Some animals use vegetation to camouflage themselves from predators and threats.
Not only do they find a home within plant life, many creatures seek sanctuary there
as well.
Plants help to stabilize our climate by offsetting fluctuations in temperature and
moisture through the process of transpiration (which is when water travels from root
to leaf, then returning some water to the air). Heavily dense plant areas with lots of
sun, such as rain forests, stay consistently humid as water is cycling from the
ground, through vegetation, into the air to be rained down to the ground again.
Water Cycling
The water cycle is essential in our survival as it continues to generate, or rather
recycle our freshwater. Many don’t realize how important plants are to maintaining
clean water on Earth. Through soil, water is absorbed. As the water gets sucked up
through the roots and into the stem and leaves of a plant, the plant gets watered and
the water vapor enters the air to begin the process of transpiration.
However, in addition to this process, planted vegetation such as bio-swales are built
channels that convey stormwater runoff. These are placed in order to remove debris
and pollutants to recharge our groundwater and leave our collected water more
purified while watering the foliage.
Plants are absolutely vital to the survival of all life on Earth. Without even realizing it,
they affect so many parts of our lives and make the air we breathe, the water we
drink, and the goods we consume safe. In evaluating the different ways plants help
our environment, it’s safe to say that plants are nature’s filtration system and way of
maintaining balance in the different states of matter