Whether you’ve been vegan for years or just started veganism, knowing how to continue a vegan diet while pregnant is key to keeping you and your baby healthy.
Sticking to your vegan diet while pregnant can still be a healthy choice, as long as soon-to-be moms work closely with their doctors to make sure they’re getting the nutrition they need. With a bit of planning, solid research, and a great team of medical experts behind you, you can confidently continue a vegan diet while pregnant.
Plan Ahead as Far as Possible
Luckily for new moms, most people who have an established diet stick to it through their pregnancy. However, if you haven’t been eating vegan for very long or are looking to go vegan for improved heart health or other benefits during pregnancy, you must plan.
The first few months of your pregnancy will likely be the most difficult when it comes to food. Nausea and disinterest in eating are common, but ensuring that you and your baby still get calories and vitamins means planning around those symptoms.
Meal planning will take away the stress of prepping everything, but having backup plans will be the real lifesaver. Snack alternatives and multiple easy meals to choose from will boost the chances that there will be something in the house you’re in the mood to eat.
Know the Nutritional Facts
People who are currently vegan know that to feel good throughout the day, we need
to get the right nutrition. An all-plant diet does wonders for us, but pregnancy demands meeting the dietary requirements for two now. Developing babies require calcium, iron, protein, omega-3, vitamin B12, and more to grow properly, so you’ll need to focus on nutrient-rich foods that benefit you both. Fortified foods like plant milks, soy products, and vegan cereals will be essential to meeting the extra nutritional requirements that will help establish a healthy pregnancy.
Keep in Touch With Your Doctors
Your family doctor and dietician will play a key role in making sure that you and your baby are getting everything you need from your meals. Registered dietitians are board-certified nutrition experts who can help you develop a plan for the entire course of your pregnancy that adapts based on the needs of your baby per trimester. Many dieticians even specialize in vegan diets, so judgment doesn’t have to be a concern.
When choosing your healthcare team, make sure that they understand why an all-plant diet is important to you and look for professionals who are interested in adapting your current preferences more than they are interested in starting you on an unrealistic or unwanted food journey. As important as it is to be firm about your preferences, however, you must be flexible and willing to listen to your doctors as well.
Understanding how to continue a vegan diet while pregnant in a safe way won’t just protect your baby’s health. Knowing you’re doing it right will also boost your confidence as a mother, through the pregnancy and after your baby is born!