We often hear about beta-carotene and its vital role in promoting the health of our eyes and vision. Beta-carotene allows our bodies to get the vitamin A they need, but how do we get it into our systems? Carrots are great sources of beta-carotene, but plain carrot sticks may leave you wanting more. So today, we’re looking at some of the best side dishes to get more beta-carotene into your diet.
Maple-Glazed Carrots
Carrots are great sources of beta-carotene, so they make for a good side dish. To make maple-glazed carrots, combine ¼ cup of maple syrup with two tablespoons of melted plant-based butter, two sprigs of thyme leaves, and a dash of ground cinnamon and salt to create the glaze. Then, coat your carrots in it and bake them at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for half an hour, rotating them every 10 minutes. Your carrots are now sweet, caramelized, tender, and ready to serve.
Sautéed Dandelion Leaves
Dandelion greens are an often-overlooked side dish, but they provide a lot of nutrients and flavors while being incredibly versatile. For one of our favorite dandelion leaves recipes, you’ll need olive oil, crushed garlic, salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar, powdered seaweed, and dandelion greens. This easy, nutritious dish offers rich, complex flavors.
Roasted Red Peppers
Bell peppers are among the best side dishes to get more beta-carotene into your diet, and roasting them is an easy way to get a lot of use out of them. You first want to cut your pepper into quarters and use a knife to remove the seeds and inner membrane. Place the pepper quarters face down onto a baking sheet and roast them in the oven at 500 degrees Fahrenheit until the skin turns black and crispy (about 15 to 20 minutes). Once you take the peppers out of the oven and let them cool down, the blackened skin will easily peel away. Roasted peppers work great in salads, as a pizza topping, diced up in pasta sauce, or even glazed with a bit of olive oil and salt.