Says the Trick is Finding Joy When Things Aren’t Going Your Way
ATLANTA, Aug. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Whether it’s international crises, vaccine battles, devastating natural disasters, political infighting, economic woes, or the heart-wrenching realization that it’s been 20 years since 9/11, recent headlines have been overwhelming. Despite all the negativity, Trish Ahjel Roberts, founder of Mind-Blowing Happiness LLC and Black Vegan Life™, thinks it’s the perfect time to talk about what she calls Mind-Blowing Happiness™.
Despite having worked in 2 World Trade Center on 9/11 (the day after her birthday) and a history of childhood sexual assault, institutional racism, domestic violence, divorce and single parenting, Roberts is a self-actualization coach and happiness expert. “One of the most common misconceptions about happiness is that it’s based on your situation,” she explained. “The trick is learning to find joy even when things aren’t going your way. That could be when the job, home, or relationship isn’t working out. For the country, that could be when we are experiencing trauma as a nation or not living up to our own ideals as Americans.”
While Roberts’ business is focused on personal development, she has a diverse background including finance, economics, yoga and Buddhism. She is an MBA, certified life coach, and yoga and meditation instructor. When asked if her Black Vegan Life™ brand has anything to do with happiness she was quick to reply, “Absolutely. I stopped eating animals after I attended a compassion retreat at Kadampa Meditation Center in Atlanta. I learned that happiness is a state of mind that is rooted in empathy. Black Vegan Life™ has always been based on Black culture, wellness and compassion. As a group, we’ve learned that all three of those things give rise to deep, long-lasting happiness.”
The second edition of Roberts’ inspirational journal, 12 Steps to Mind-Blowing Happiness, includes new content and a new foreword from #1 New York Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff. Shimoff is best known as the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and as a featured teacher in the film The Secret. Jack Canfield, the world-renowned co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul™ series, also endorses Roberts’ work.
Learn more by visiting www.TrishAhjelRoberts.com
or www.BlackVeganLife.org.