Break out your avocados and celebrate National Avocado Day! Avocados From Mexico brand avocados are always in season, so you can have fresh avocados 365 days a year. And not only are they easy to add to your favorite dishes, they’re a heart-healthy treat that’s always worth it.
Avocados From Mexico has hundreds of recipes for any occasion – including over 140 guacamole recipes, avocado hummus, avocado cocktails, smoothies and more. Just visit AvocadosFromMexico.com.
Why Avocados From Mexico?
Good fats, like those in avocados, help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients without raising bad cholesterol levels when eaten as part of a healthy diet.
Avocados are heart healthy. They provide naturally good fats, are low in saturated fat, and cholesterol and sodium free.
Avocados From Mexico are nutrient-dense. This means that they have nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, including 11 percent of your daily recommended fiber, per 1/3 serving size (50 g) 3-slice serving.
Depending on when you’d like to enjoy your avocado, you can opt for a darker skin avocado that yields a gentle pressure and is ready to be eaten, or you can grab a firmer avocado with a greener skin that will ripen between 1-3 days.
Tired of waiting for your avocado to ripen? Here are some quick tricks to help you speed up the ripening process:
Bag It (With Fruit!): Place your avocado in a paper bag with a banana or apple and fold to close. Store it in a warm environment, until the skin turns a darker green and yields to gentle pressure, which usually takes 1-3 days.
Set It: Place your avocado by a warm and sunny window or leave it out on your counter. Once its skin turns a darker color and yields to gentle pressure, it’s ready to be eaten!
Bag It (With Rice!): Place the avocado in a bag of uncooked rice, and fold to close. Store it in a warm environment, until the skin turns a darker green and yields to gentle pressure, which usually takes 1-3 days.
Telling your avocado to slow down won’t help, but below is a helpful trick:
Chill It!: Place a ripe avocado in a refrigerator. Take it out and enjoy anytime!
Too full? Save your avocado for later and ensure the great same taste with these tips:
Coat & Cover: Coat halved avocado with lemon juice or olive oil. Tightly cover and seal with plastic then, then refrigerate. Cold and airtight, your avocado is ready to be enjoyed anytime.
Wrap & Seal: Take the halved avocado and place in a resealable plastic bag, or wrap tightly in a plastic wrap, ensuring the seal around the pit and flesh, then refrigerate. Cold and airtight, your avocado is ready to be enjoyed anytime.