By Karin Olsen
The inaugural VIRTUAL Food as Medicine Summit & EXPO is a health and wellness event focused on nutrition and fitness August 22 – 29, 2020. Tickets are $15 for a 24-hour-access pass to each of the eight days and $82 for the VIP package with one-year access to the event programming.
Presented by Dallas based TS Wellness Founder and President Patricia Thomson, Ph.D., the eight-day online summit focuses on nutrition’s role in preventing and reversing many chronic diseases including heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease, obesity, arthritis, IBS, and lupus.
The event’s lead sponsor is Katherine Lawrence Ireland of Food Saved Me. Based in Southlake, Texas, Ireland teaches cooking classes to help people avoid and overcome common diseases. She is also a leading Saladmaster distributor. Media sponsor is VEGWORLD Magazine. Free to readers, VEGWORLD features “vegan & plant-based buzz,” cutting-edge health information, celebrity news and exclusive interviews, unique recipes, and compassionate and human-interest stories.
The VIRTUAL Summit & EXPO features more than 40 experts in the fields of plant-based nutrition, health and disease, plant-based cooking, fitness, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, personal triumphs and environmental sustainability. Plus, as an added feature, the VIRTUAL event will include a VIRTUAL EXPO where attendees can visit plant-based exhibitor sites, view promotional videos, and explore and purchase products, resources and services.
Featured world-renowned physicians and experts in science-based nutrition include Dr. Michael Greger, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)* Founder and President Dr. Neal Barnard, Cleveland Clinic’s Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Kristi Funk, Dr. Brooke Goldner, Dr. Linda Carney, Dr. Bandana Chawla, Dr. Munish Chawla, Dr. Milton Mills, Dr. Niraj Mehta, Dr. Renata Joffee, Dr. Rizwan Bukhari, Dr. Nancy Eriksen and Dr. Jimmy Conway.
*Founded by Dr. Barnard in 1985, PCRM is a nonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research and medical training.
In addition to the speaker Summit, the EXPO features health and wellness-related sponsors and exhibitors. Throughout the eight days, an impressive lineup of cooks and chefs such as Ann & Jane Esselstyn, Kimberly Pearce Campbell, Miyoko Schinner, Katherine Lawrence Ireland, Brenda Davis RD, Karoline Mueller, Del Sroufe, Brooke Ali, and Thomson will demonstrate easy-to-prepare, healthy and delicious recipes. Recipes will be provided ahead of time so attendees can also cook along with the experts.
Additionally, there are wellness experts bringing fitness, breath work and meditation to the Summit, including: Marci Lock, Laura Sainz, Brianna & Matt Silvio, Victoria Moran, Josh LaJaunie, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Brittany Carmichael and the Plant Chics.