Popular social media “finfluencers” announce their love for the delicious plant-based tuna brand
JINKA Vegan Tuna Spread, a fast-growing, women-led start-up based in California, recently launched with Whole Foods Market nationwide and has social media’s top sea sirens agreeing this is their favorite plant-based tuna.
Mermaids have been portrayed as mascots for traditional seafood brands in the past, but JINKA questioned whether today’s eco-conscious sirens would agree and opted to partner with them directly. In their social media posts, mermaid “finfluencers” Avalon, Flower, Jules, and Sirenity choose JINKA because it’s healthy, delicious and cruelty-free.
The mermaids have joined JINKA to inform consumers about the ethical and environmental impacts of overfishing and fish farming while celebrating the company’s convenient ocean-friendly seafood option. The #AskMermaids effort coincides with JINKA’s new availability in 230 U.S. locations of Whole Foods Market, the world’s leading natural and organic food retailer.
“With the popularity of the Netflix documentary ‘Seaspiracy’ and continuing concern about the welfare of marine animals and ocean ecosystems, the time is right to offer choice when it comes to seafood,” said Alberta Liao, founder and CEO of JINKA. “Americans eat more than 1 billion pounds of tuna every year, so converting even a fraction of those consumers to JINKA’s tasty, fish-free alternative can have an enormous impact on the health of our oceans and the animals that live in them.”
By reducing the amount of tuna killed and consumed each year, JINKA also reduces the number of fish killed in bycatching and limits the disruption of fragile marine ecosystems.
JINKA is 100% plant-based and free of fish, which often contain mercury, microplastics and other contaminants. The tuna alternative has 14 grams of protein per serving and a healthy dose of Omega 3, with zero cholesterol or trans fats. JINKA is available in three flavors: Original, Lemon & Dill and Spicy. For more information, visit https://www.jinka.store/.
About JINKA Vegan Tuna Spread
JINKA Vegan Tuna Spread is on a mission to show that a plant-based diet can be delicious without compromise. JINKA offers a sustainable, plant-based tuna spread for those looking for a healthy and tasty alternative to tuna. This delicious, healthy, convenient and high-protein option for fans of tuna salad works in any situation, whether it’s on a sandwich or paired with crackers and veggies for a high-protein pick-me-up snack. JINKA is available in original, lemon & dill and spicy flavors. For more information, visit https://www.jinka.store/.
Okay canola oil is Really the first ingredient…Ugg..Aaa soy… is it cheap filler a lot of people can’t eat soy and let’s have some wheat to weed out some more people… don’t think some came up with this a recipe like this at their house… a family with kids wouldn’t even eat.😱