Beloved macadamia nut milk announces convenient, money-saving new e-Commerce site to support growing superfan base.
Back in the day, the milkman was a thread in the weft and weave of the fabric of the local community. milkadamia seeks to emulate some of that connection to its customers by now including direct-to-consumer sales on its website. The brand anticipates this feature will also be an added avenue of communication betwixt and between customer and company.
“What sets milkadamia apart from the plethora of plant-based milks and creamers is the creamy, slightly decadent taste of our macadamia nut non-dairy products and the rich mouth feel,” states Jim Richards, milkadamia CEO. “Because it blends perfectly with any dish, milkadamia helps create artful, delicious plant-based meals, desserts, smoothies and lattes.”
With the recent e-Commerce proliferation—at home shopping rose a staggering 44% in 2020—milkadamia’s newly launched shopmilkadamia.com site will make buying the brand’s beloved milks and creamers more convenient and will provide the opportunity for consumers to have their favorite macadamia nut-based dairy products delivered right to their door as a single purchase or on a subscription basis.
Launch date: 05/03/21
URL: https://shopmilkadamia.com/
Products available: 32 oz. milk, 16 oz. creamers
Quantities: 6 pack
Subscription Plans: 3-month, 6-month, 12-month
The brand champions Planet Earth through Regenerative Farming, which helps keep Co2 in the ground rather than in the atmosphere. For milkadamia, eco-pertinence is a core focus of its company ethos and marketing campaigns.
milkadamia was started on the Australian family macadamia farm in 2015 and milkadamia U.S. is headquartered in Chicago, IL. The brand’s products are sold in retailers across the U.S. as well as in over 3000 cafes, showing that milkadamia is growing more than trees. Every milkadamia carton proudly displays the rallying cry, “Moo is Moot.” milkadamia is purposefully plant-based, believing that dairy has become irrelevant to the lives, health, aspirations, and especially the eco-desires of millions. Visit milkadamia.com for more information. Follow on FB and Instagram @milkadamia as well as on LinkedIn.