Atlantic Natural Foods, leading manufacturer of shelf-stable foods and the award-winning plant-based Loma Linda brand foods, and following the release of Netflix’s documentary Seaspiracy, their team conducted a survey in order to gauge consumer attitudes surrounding the inhumane treatment of marine life. The survey garnered some very interesting stats, such as:
- Nearly two-thirds (62%) of respondents are greatly disturbed that whales, rays, sharks, seals, turtles, and dolphins are often killed as a bycatch of the commercial tuna fishing industry
- Yet, 41% would knowingly purchase a brand that practiced unsafe of inhumane treatment of animals or marine life to source its food
In addition to the above, the survey also garnered data pertaining to:
- Consumer knowledge for inhumane marine life treatment
- Consumer attitudes and knowledge regarding microplastics
- Ethics around business standards and responsibility when it comes to food sourcing and marketing