Focus your intentions to keeping mentally and physically well as we all enter into a new year focus on key concepts such as stress management, hyper-personalization of diagnostics, special attention to the care of the micro-biota and strengthening our immune system. These trends take into account the world we are living in today and how wellness will continue to be of immense importance as we continue to navigate these times.
The wellness trends for the new season and their connection to the “SHA Method” are the following:
1. Strengthening the immune system
The new reality has finally imposed itself and uncovered something that should always have been of prime necessity: having a strong immune system, at any age, to ensure a long and healthy life.
As a safe and reliable solution to today’s most important health problems, programs designed to strengthen the immune system are becoming increasingly popular. At SHA Wellness Clinic, we offer the Immune System Focus Package which consists of specialized treatments to support the body’s natural defenses, with the help of doctors, nutritionists and therapists.
2. Working remotely while on vacation
With the increase in remote working, many are considering establishing their offices in second homes or developing their workday while enjoying a holiday destination. The requirements for this are: a picturesque destination, a strong telephone signal and a consistent Wi-Fi connection. It has been proven that, thanks to this formula, worker productivity is not hindered, and is more efficient. SHA Wellness Clinic is a destination where it is possible to combine a work schedule with a health program with great flexibility, so that the guest can attend scheduled consultations, treatments and group activities.
3. Social distance
More travelers are choosing far-off wellness trips that facilitate social distance. Logically, the greater the effort to make the trip, the more they are inclined to book a holiday with all the guarantees. Therefore, instead of choosing fleeting cosmopolitan escapes, tourists prefer healthy trips with longer stays and away from the crowds, that is, less risky and more isolated. SHA Wellness Clinic offers the possibility for families, couples and solo travelers to combine rest with health in a low-risk area of Covid-19, meeting the highest safety requirements. In addition, SHA Residences, the private complex, offers a healthy retreat ideal for two weeks or more of self-isolation.
4. Hyper personalization through genetic testing
The sequencing of the genome has opened a new horizon for adopting the most appropriate treatment for each pathology or health objective pursued. From a genomic test, the aim is to have as much information as possible about the person to be treated.
As everyone is different, only with a completely personalized test will the most effective treatment be achieved according to the real objectives set.
As an article published in the journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology states, “with the lengthening of human life, the need arises to understand not only how we can live long, but also how we can live well (…). Understanding genetic and lifestyle factors will be necessary to unravel the underlying mechanisms of a long and healthy life”.
SHA has always known that any program of improvement must start with the most accurate diagnosis and to achieve this, in addition to the usual analyses and studies, maximum attention must be paid to genetic research.
5. Gut health and healthy nutrition
These are concepts that have always had SHA and that now have their correspondence in a strong impact of the demand: to design nutritional plans that reinforce the immune system, that serve as a complement for the management of stress and anxiety, that use fresh local and seasonal food or that help to improve our quality of life by stressing aspects such as rest or better digestion.
It’s all about incorporating healthy habits and routines into the way we eat. And the trend is to find a specific place for the care of the intestinal microbiota.
Studies on intestinal microbiota provide three fundamental functions:
· Nutritional and metabolic functions including energy recovery, vitamin production and positive effects on the absorption of calcium and iron in the colon.
· Protective functions, preventing the invasion of infectious agents.
· Modulation functions of the immune system.
SHA Wellness Clinic offers its guests a Focused Pack for the care of intestinal microbiota in combination with the Detox program; the great novelty of the season that guarantees great success in improving the health of interested guests.
6. Mental wellness and stress relief
The new scenario has definitely affected the mental health of many, thus proving the importance of being able to handle new situations of stress and anxiety, and holidays tailored to relaxation are becoming a necessity to alleviate the mental effects of the months spent in confinement.
In this regard, SHA has been conscious since its beginnings that exercising the mind is fundamental to achieving complete well-being. Firstly, guests are given a profound diagnosis to identify those internal and external factors that are generating stress in their daily lives and identify possible aspects such as frustration, loss of control, difficulty in relaxing, pessimism, etc. Then, they are advised on the best therapies for their emotional recovery, thus increasing resistance to stress.