The Climate Crisis is no trivial feat. World leaders, scientists, policymakers, and activists across the globe have been dedicating time and resources to developing sustainable solutions that will ensure the healthy future of our home planet. Divest from fossil fuels, shun plastic straws, take short showers, shop second hand, take public transport- all commendable and crucial efforts indeed! But aren’t we missing a central player in this environmental catastrophe- the obvious elephant (rather a cow) in the room?

This year has witnessed star-studded, elite events adopt a plant-based menu- from the Oscars to the Met Gala. Despite burgeoning evidence in favor of a plant-rich lifestyle, leading climate conferences to appear blissfully ignorant of the facts as participants feast on “sustainably sourced,” and “humanely” raised animal products. However, it appears that the TED committee has received the memo loud and clear with its inaugural in-person climate conference in Edinburgh- TED Countdown, embracing a vegan menu! This event witnessed the coming together of diverse leaders and thinkers from all over the world to make the aspirational net-zero world a reality.

The mission of Countdown is to mobilize global collaborations to develop creative solutions to effectively tackle the climate crisis. An easy and obvious starting point- leaving animals and their products off our plates and celebrating the power of plants instead! Animal agriculture is undoubtedly a leading cause of the climate crisis- with its contributions to greenhouse gas emissions ranging from 14.5% to a whopping 87%! The TED conference’s decision to serve a plant-based has been applauded by animal and environmental activist group Species Unite, while also sparking criticism of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), which will serve animal meat at the event.

Species Unite’s Executive Director– Elizabeth Novogratz said in her statement-
“Animal agriculture’s devastating impact on the environment cannot be overlooked: intensive animal farming is responsible for an estimated 14.5%—16.5% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions globally, on par with emissions levels of the entire transport sector.”
“Studies show that reducing meat and dairy production and consumption is one of the most effective actions we can take to avoid catastrophic climate change.”
She emphatically adds-
“We applaud TED for listening to the science by serving plant-based, climate-friendly food at their climate conference. This sends a clear message to the world that they are serious about tackling animal agriculture’s catastrophic impact on our planet.”
Species Unite is also calling on leaders of the UN Climate Change Conference to recognize the detrimental impacts of animal agriculture on our planet, urging them to follow suit and serve a flavorful, delicious, plant-based meal. This effort has garnered much support from celebrities like Moby and Joaquin Phoenix.

Stay tuned for TED Countdown’s Global Livestream on YouTube on October 30, 2021 at 12pm ET. This event will cover key highlights from the Summit and is open to all!
Shriya is a VEGWORLD writer and Founder of Nourish by Shriya– her Vegan Hospitality Consulting Service that helps local St. Louis businesses attract vegan customers. She is a mentor with Animal Activism Mentorship, enjoys volunteering at The Gentle Barn in Missouri, and currently lives in St. Louis with her rescued pooch Halley.