Treeline Cheese, which has reinvented non-dairy cheese with an artisanal process, announces a matching gift to Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Farm Animal Program. Through August, Treeline will match every gift, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000, supporting Dixon, a one-year-old Holstein cow.
Dixon was considered ‘surplus’ by a dairy farmer, because males can’t produce milk. Thanks to a kind rescuer, Dixon will now spend the rest of his life in safety at Farm Sanctuary. Most “dairy boys” like Dixon aren’t as lucky.
“We are proud to again partner with Farm Sanctuary. At Treeline, we offer consumers a more compassionate choice with dairy-free and cruelty-free cheeses that rival the best-tasting cheeses from France and Italy,” says Treeline’s Founder, Michael Schwarz.
With an array of cheeses, Treeline draws on traditional dairy cheese-making methods. Treeline actually ferments, or cultures, creamy cashew nuts with a healthy probiotic, known as L. Acidophilus. This produces a creamy consistency, smooth texture and the rich, natural flavors normally associated with fine dairy cheeses. In addition to its recently introduced cream cheeses, Treeline makes 4 flavors of soft French-Style cheese – Herb Garlic, Scallion, Sea Salt & Pepper and Chipotle-Serrano – and 2 varieties of aged cheese wheels: Classic and Cracked Pepper Aged Cheese.
According to Farm Sanctuary CEO Megan Watkins, “At Farm Sanctuary, we value animals as individuals—not commodities. Honoring Dixon will also fund our larger rescue, education, and advocacy work: enabling us to provide refuge to more survivors like Dixon, shed light on the cruelty they face in the dairy industry, and fight to change laws that perpetuate these standards.”
Visit to become a proud farm animal “parent” and support Dixon, providing him with nourishing food, clean bedding, shelter, and medical care—allowing this young steer to grow up happy and healthy alongside his herd.
Treeline is available online at and nationwide in over 3,000 stores, including local health food stores, co-ops and ‘chain’ stores such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, Kroger, Fred Meyer, Ralphs and Wegmans.
About Treeline
With manufacturing facilities in Kingston, New York, Treeline was founded in 2012 by Michael Schwarz, a former intellectual property attorney, who set out to produce vegan, cruelty-free cheeses that rival the best-tasting cheeses from France and Italy. More at: You can follow Treeline on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn at @treelinecheese.
About Farm Sanctuary
Founded in 1986, Farm Sanctuary works to change how our society views and treats farm animals through rescue, education and advocacy. The organization provides lifelong care for animals rescued from abuse at Sanctuary locations in New York and California; promotes compassionate vegan living; and advocates legal and policy reforms. To learn more about Farm Sanctuary, visit