Frances Gonzalez the CEO of veganwines.com is extremely passionate about having wines that are not only enjoyable but vegan available to everyone. Frances has been vegan for about 25 years now and her company started by filling the need for vegan wines in the market. She went on a trip to France for a French wine tour , and asked if the wines were vegan friendly and they weren’t. That’s what sparked her to create veganwines.com.
Frances realized that it was common that people didn’t know that some wineries use animal products in their wine , so she wanted to inform fellow vegan wine drinkers as well as wine drinkers in general about this. She not only highlights them about the fining process but she likes to make sure that the soil the grapes are harvested in is clean of any animal products as well.
veganwines.com is selective with taste and delicious so that you’re not missing anything. I got the opportunity to personally try the three wines pictured in the article and I would have to fully agree that you are not missing out with the taste. Some other awesome facts are that her whole sales team is vegan and they plan to expand as the company grows. The wines in the states are from Oregon, California, and New York, then outside of the U.S France, Chile and Italy.
About the Author
Lori harding is a Dallas transplant from Northern California. She loves to cook and knows that vegan food is the way to the heart. Lori enjoys sharing vegan recipes with family and friends and spreading the word about veganism . Follow her on her journey @dallas_veganbae Instagram.com/dallas_veganbae/